It’s nice to socialise with people but it’s also good to socialise with nature in these times.
Open your eyes more and you’ll see how much there is to discover in Galway’s nature scene. You will find a paradise; from meadows, woods, riverbanks and pasture land to the grasslands, bogs, forests, farmlands and lakes with melodious sounds of nature that brings you peace and calmness.
We can have an adventure near to home but also far from loud noises; with all of these large green landscapes surrounded by the blue waters, we can take various paths to explore different places and different routes in the same area. What a great gift given by our mother earth! We possess this area of different huge natural resources… there is no city like Galway.
Sometimes, we need to feel challenged by others or ourselves. Do it with your loved ones or just you alone while listening to music, just DO IT.
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